Monday, September 3, 2018

September? What happened to August?

Funny how a new job can take one's free time and make it as scarce as the cash was before said job came along. Is it not ironic how free time and spare cash never seem to be available at the same time for some of us? Sort of like Superman and Clark Kent, neither being in the same room at the same time.

Been working 7 days a week since mid June and I just took my first whole day off today, Labor Day 2018. True the weeks have been what a true work-a-holic might call part time, but the job requires the utmost concentration for long periods of time and this seems to be much more exhausting at 60 something then it was at 20 something. It's not the years, it's the mileage.

I have been doing some planning though between trips and have found a few treasures for the Arizona Southern RR in the process. Acquired a few missing kits for when scenery becomes a possibility at some future point.

Sorry, not much more to report at this time. Reply if you feel the urge. Peace.

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