Wednesday, January 26, 2022

January 2022 Report.

Hello readers, I hope this blog entry finds you healthy, well, and having a good time in our hobby. 2022 is not getting off to great start on the Arizona Southern. Seems I've buried one of my best and oldest train buddies and my Belgian Shepherd of 15 years, all within the space of a few weeks. The man I lost was a mentor, friend, and the main reason I'm still in this hobby. The layout re-design was about his lack of mobility, and now that need is gone.  Not sure where this leaves me really; I feel a little lost.

I used to be able to go out back and talk to my dog; she always had either an answer or at least a willing ear to bounce things off of. My other pooch, well all he wants to do is talk about his next treat or meal. That just leaves my cat, and well, "The Queen" does not always give us mere peasants an audience. If you are a cat owner, you understand.

Any way, Welcome to 2022. May things start to improve, and do so quickly.  May you get all your tasks completed, and may all your days be enjoyable.

Thanks for reading, write if the urge strikes you; I'd really appreciate the interaction.

John Huey