Monday, May 11, 2020

A Local Cement Dealer Goes High Tech

Greetings from the rattle snake infested fringe of the Sonoran Desert region of southern Arizona. A sparsely populated area to be sure, yet we have a tight knit community which shares many similar values. Those that don't fit in do not seem to stay around too long, funny how that seems to work; ya just gotta love the desert. Folks out here are practical, they don't throw something away because it has a few years on it, they keep it up, fixing as they go along, which gives this area a lot of interesting cars and trucks to look at, stuff long since crushed and made into razor blades by city folks still are in use out here. So it was a little suspicious to the locals when one of the cement dealers on the outskirts of Siete Madres showed up with a set pneumatic dump trailers a little while back, sometimes new things have to be gotten used to I guess. To the dealers credit, the new trailers were not really new, just new to this area. 

Seems the manager of the local no tell motel is also a big trucking fan, as most of the photographs coming out of this region seem to be taken behind his establishment; we're sure this is just a coincidence. All the rooms have very good air conditioning and trust me that is a very big draw when a working person needs to catch up on their sack time.

The trailer models are from Shapeways and they needed a lot of sanding. They were bought several years ago and have languished in a box due to work required to get them somewhat presentable, between some filler and a lot of sanding they have come this far, so they are finally being shared here.

Thanks for visiting and reading this far. Please leave a comment, good or bad, or just say howdy if the mood strikes.

John Huey
Arizona Southern RR