Sunday, December 6, 2020

Well, that was pretty painless.

It is now early December and we made it through all of the pet turkey funerals and whatnot. The next hurdle is Christmas for most of us, but I must not forget Chanukah as it is almost upon us. We here at the Arizona Southern want to wish you all the happiness the holidays can give, and pray that we all stay safe and well.  I can hope can't I?

Not too much modeling lately, more like taking photos and shipping purchases on my little EBAY page. It's been a crazy ride this year and had more sales of things than in the past years or any recent memories. One very popular item was a wide vision caboose decorated with HAPPY HOLIDAYS on its sides. Not my style, I prefer the forbidden terms Merry Christmas, but it is what it is I suppose and I'm glad for the spike in sales. Most of the items on the page are train parts and body shells, mostly Athearn stuff that they no longer make available and the few remaining modelers like to use in kitbashing their own equipment.

Not much left to report right now, so I'll leave you with hope for the future, may 2021 be a better year than the one we just had. May things calm down and may things begin to head back towards normal. 

Take care,
John Huey