Wednesday, April 1, 2020

April 1st Report

I guess this is what house arrest must feel like, well except I can leave to go to the market and such. I don't go all that often though as we live in earthquake country and routinely have a few extra cans around the house along with other supplies. 

This situation has given me the impetus to start building some more models, model trucks to be more precise. The latest "rig" is a cut down White Freightliner. It began life as an Athearn model that was found on FeeBay and then it was heavily modified after it arrived here in pieces. I only wish I could have just started from scratch with it as a few things were not done as well as they might have been and the photos were strategically missing the bad news. Then again, I like a challenge and now I know that I'll need to address the problem areas in the near future. Still though, its not too bad, just not as good as it could have been, you be the judge.
For a bigger image, just click on the photos...

....and another view...

...and one final photograph.

This has parts on it from Alloy Forms, A-Line, Athearn, and Plano. It was a fun repair job, but the photos tell me what else I have to do. This truck is the lone WFL in a sea of Peterbilt cab overs owned by Thunderbird, the only other odd duck is a lone Kenworth W900.

Well, that's all for now, thanks for dropping by. Leave a note or drop us a line if the mood strikes you.

Enjoy Your Trains,
John Huey