Saturday, February 13, 2021

I Get A Warm And Fuzzy Feeling When I Look At These.

Howdy, it's almost mid February 2021 and the final few Moloco cars are on their way. The SP car shown below was in the first order, and a pair of SSW cars are bringing up the end of the order. Originally I had a little sticker shock with Nick's cars, that was until I got one in my hands. The level of detail is way beyond my meager abilities to accomplish consistently, not to mention the quality of the paint and lettering, they are in a word, superb.

The new Arizona Southern layout will not be aimed at running and railfanning as much as it will be aimed at operating and just plain switching the local industries. I figure fewer nicer cars are in order, since they won't just be going by the viewer at twenty miles per hour any longer.

Thanks for visiting; Enjoy Your Trains!

John Huey