Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Kadee Drops an ATSF 50' Box Car


    How about a HO Scale Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe (ATSF) RTR 50' PS-1 Boxcar 50' PS-1 Boxcar?  Painted in the mineral red or brown paint, the lettering looks amazing. I only post this because of memories of seeing such cars in the mid 1970's, weathered almost to a point of being illegible at times, still in service. So far I've only done a couple of 40' XM's to represent this, but a 50 footer would be a nice addition.



   These cars were the backbone of most shipping from the late steam era up until the mid to late 1970's. The model features good looking roller bearing trucks, and other very scale details. Would make a good addition to any freight car roster that is within the dates mentioned.


   Well, that is all for now, thanks for reading thus far. Write or respond if the mood strikes. As always, enjoy your trains!

Best wishes,

John Huey

P.S. This car just arrived on our door step a few days ago, it looked so good we could not say no. Now to gather up the courage to weather the thing properly. JH