Sunday, February 9, 2025

More On Freight Car Addiction


When does enough ever become too much?  I think I am there, or so close I can smell and taste it.  In fact I have so many freight cars now that I really need to part with some of the ones that no longer fit my needs. No more long trains with helpers, clubs are a thing of the past for me.  I no longer possess the patience to deal with the intricacies of club politics.

Even my former layout is too large for what I'm comfortable with. Its coming down. I've been rearranging all our storage and have the SAWZALL charged up and ready to begin the trimming of things.

Of course, my blindly being the consummate addict, I keep ordering cars when I can. I mean now a days, you either buy or you cry, as nothing lasts for long on store shelves, well, at least nothing I'd want to buy.

This brings us to the "why" I've added another page to this blog, we got another box on the way. Two cars are coming, an ADM covered hopper and a PC boxcar.

Tangent HO Model - Click On For Full Size

Tangent HO Model Patched PC Boxcar

Cars keep getting nicer and the cycle never seems to end; in with the NEW and out with some of the OLD.

TANGENT is addictive. Great models, pricing within reason if you shop around, and enough variety for almost anybody.

Thanks for reading this far, write back if the mood strikes,

Best Wishes,

John Huey

CEO Arizona Southern RR

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