Well I suppose the term urban does not fit in any of the towns served by the Arizona Southern. Most of the towns are remote and a haven for all sorts of folks who do not crave crowded city streets. There is small town America, and then there is small town south east Arizona, and what I'm modeling is something devoid of much of what most folks crave. Citizens are on their own out here and take care of business the old fashioned way much of the time. Interesting to say the least.
One such point of interest is the little cantina that was built a long time ago and somehow keeps from falling down. It's not very big, but a pergola is planned for the back with a few tables outside under the cover. I think a taco truck might even park here after things start to cool off; serving customers some real homemade Mexican food late into the evenings.
The base diorama is still in the thinking about it stages. Once I figure out what will actually be on it, construction can begin.
Painting and weathering these hydrocal kits can be quite therapeutic, relaxing even. I for one look forward to building others once space becomes available. The tar paper roof was another detail that was easy to make yet looks like you really fussed over it.
Downtown Deco kits definitely will be in the city planners thoughts as time for buildings gets closer. Very nice kits and not too costly either.
Thanks for reading this far, leave us a note should the mood strike you.
John Huey
Arizona Southern RR
I may have to try one of those, looks pretty good.