Hello there,
Been busy getting things sorted out in the railroad room. Sometimes the fun has to end and the hard things need to get done or nothing will ever be accomplished. Case in point are getting a zillion or so new cars, most still in their boxes, stacked out of the way so the rebuilding can become serious. A friend gave me a few boxes which I have since filled up, and since the size was about perfect I just ordered a bunch more to finish the job. Not only freight cars and power are getting boxed up, so are structure kits and all the other minutia that has been collecting here for the past many years.
Of course this has its own dangers and pit falls, I mean some of this train stuff has not seen the light of day in so long that upon opening certain boxes it feels like Christmas morning when I was a kid. That in itself brings on a walk down memory lane of it's own, none of which is helpful to getting the tasks at hand completed.
Not only all this, but then I realize I have not updated this blog in over a month and then this too joins the project fracas fighting for my dwindling attention span.
Here we are in September and not a lot got done over the summer. Well I did build some kits and paint some cars, all good things for my mental health, but the BIG job is still in the corner just starring back at me. The new layout needs getting going. The tracking on the boxes I ordered say they will be here in a day or so. Hopefully I'll get the rest of the stuff packed and stacked and get space to start doing what needs doing. Wish me well.
Thanks for reading, reply if the mood strikes,
John Huey
CEO Arizona Southern RR