Wednesday, October 24, 2018

New Look For The AZSO

Well it has finally happened, the Arizona Southern has updated their paint scheme in the interest of economy and simplification. It was not an easy decision to abandon the colors we had come to know and love, but between the the real worlds destruction of all the paints we used to use and the EPA screwing up everything made here, we had to go with Tamiya paints. I've tried some of the others first mind you, but I can not use them as I did Scalecoat and Floquil of the 1980's, and all of those paints are now exhausted. So with this said, here is our first new paint unit, itself a rebuilt RS3 now designated an RS13R.

Here is a broadside of the unit, just for fun. Oh, and let me note here that one of the board of directors, Mr C. Gasparini, suggested a lighter colored roof on the new paint cabs for reflecting the summer heat; we think this addition looks fine and will be well received by the crews.

Thanks for looking, if the urge should strike, feel free to leave a comment. ENJOY YOUR TRAINS!